Sacred heart activator pendant


We call this pendant our Sacred Heart Activator. And that's exactly what it's intended to do, activate and assimilate the infinite, multidimensional you within your heart space to help assimilate the new energy we are transitioning into and facilitate activating and expressing your highest, greatest good timeline while bringing back all of the "you" that has been lost in other timelines, soul fragments, soul traumas, stuck energies etc while activating your heart space to break free of the false matrix that has held humanity back for so long.

A Tensor Ring contains an infinite source of energy that is neither electric nor magnetic with an output that is beneficial and healing to all life forms. It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields, bringing coherency to chaos, and easily stabilizes and equalizes the bio magnetic and energy fields of the body.

It helps bring in all of the other multidimensional aspects of you into the "you" here and now, while also helping strengthen and fortify your energy bodies from "contamination" that might be around you. It can assist with shadow work and bringing forth what needs to be released and let go of so you can move on to your highest path forward. It can enhance meditation practices, and energy work on yourself or others. I have also used it to do certain grid work by placing in on the ground in certain areas and opening and closing portals.

When you can connect and anchor into your heart space, the possibilities are endless. This pendent can help act like a bridge to integrate consciousness and light more into the physical plane experience. We are very excited to hear others experiences and what they are drawn to do with it as we know we have only scratched the surface so far ourselves.

The 3 outside tensor rings represent the numerous holy trinities mentioned throughout history all around the world in different contexts. Past, present, future. Mind, body, spirit. Physical, mental, emotional. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Father, son, holy spirit. Whatever it is you relate to, 3 and the holy trinity has been an important and sacred number for a very long time. The spiritual meaning of the number 3 can symbolize spiritual enlightenment, activation, ability to seek out answers, the ability to see beyond the appearance of things and go deeper into the true meaning. The number three represents divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection, hence the Latin phrase Omne Trium Perfectum: "everything that is three is perfect," or everything that occurs in sequences or sets of three is perfect, cyclic, complete, and rhythmic.

The middle spiral represents DNA activation, or reactivation depending on how you want to look at it, for the new energies now reaching our planet.

All of this meaning and intention and much more is imbued into this tensor ring pendant. Made with joy and love and the assistance of my higher self, Merlin, and the energies of the sacred flame order to program on an etheric level. Some people that are very sensitive to energy may want to only wear it for short periods of time until they are attuned with the new energy. But I encourage people to wear it or have it on them as much as possible. Just go off of how you feel, everyone's different. The best feedback I have gotten from numerous people is it "feels like home."

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We call this pendant our Sacred Heart Activator. And that's exactly what it's intended to do, activate and assimilate the infinite, multidimensional you within your heart space to help assimilate the new energy we are transitioning into and facilitate activating and expressing your highest, greatest good timeline while bringing back all of the "you" that has been lost in other timelines, soul fragments, soul traumas, stuck energies etc while activating your heart space to break free of the false matrix that has held humanity back for so long.

A Tensor Ring contains an infinite source of energy that is neither electric nor magnetic with an output that is beneficial and healing to all life forms. It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields, bringing coherency to chaos, and easily stabilizes and equalizes the bio magnetic and energy fields of the body.

It helps bring in all of the other multidimensional aspects of you into the "you" here and now, while also helping strengthen and fortify your energy bodies from "contamination" that might be around you. It can assist with shadow work and bringing forth what needs to be released and let go of so you can move on to your highest path forward. It can enhance meditation practices, and energy work on yourself or others. I have also used it to do certain grid work by placing in on the ground in certain areas and opening and closing portals.

When you can connect and anchor into your heart space, the possibilities are endless. This pendent can help act like a bridge to integrate consciousness and light more into the physical plane experience. We are very excited to hear others experiences and what they are drawn to do with it as we know we have only scratched the surface so far ourselves.

The 3 outside tensor rings represent the numerous holy trinities mentioned throughout history all around the world in different contexts. Past, present, future. Mind, body, spirit. Physical, mental, emotional. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Father, son, holy spirit. Whatever it is you relate to, 3 and the holy trinity has been an important and sacred number for a very long time. The spiritual meaning of the number 3 can symbolize spiritual enlightenment, activation, ability to seek out answers, the ability to see beyond the appearance of things and go deeper into the true meaning. The number three represents divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection, hence the Latin phrase Omne Trium Perfectum: "everything that is three is perfect," or everything that occurs in sequences or sets of three is perfect, cyclic, complete, and rhythmic.

The middle spiral represents DNA activation, or reactivation depending on how you want to look at it, for the new energies now reaching our planet.

All of this meaning and intention and much more is imbued into this tensor ring pendant. Made with joy and love and the assistance of my higher self, Merlin, and the energies of the sacred flame order to program on an etheric level. Some people that are very sensitive to energy may want to only wear it for short periods of time until they are attuned with the new energy. But I encourage people to wear it or have it on them as much as possible. Just go off of how you feel, everyone's different. The best feedback I have gotten from numerous people is it "feels like home."

We call this pendant our Sacred Heart Activator. And that's exactly what it's intended to do, activate and assimilate the infinite, multidimensional you within your heart space to help assimilate the new energy we are transitioning into and facilitate activating and expressing your highest, greatest good timeline while bringing back all of the "you" that has been lost in other timelines, soul fragments, soul traumas, stuck energies etc while activating your heart space to break free of the false matrix that has held humanity back for so long.

A Tensor Ring contains an infinite source of energy that is neither electric nor magnetic with an output that is beneficial and healing to all life forms. It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields, bringing coherency to chaos, and easily stabilizes and equalizes the bio magnetic and energy fields of the body.

It helps bring in all of the other multidimensional aspects of you into the "you" here and now, while also helping strengthen and fortify your energy bodies from "contamination" that might be around you. It can assist with shadow work and bringing forth what needs to be released and let go of so you can move on to your highest path forward. It can enhance meditation practices, and energy work on yourself or others. I have also used it to do certain grid work by placing in on the ground in certain areas and opening and closing portals.

When you can connect and anchor into your heart space, the possibilities are endless. This pendent can help act like a bridge to integrate consciousness and light more into the physical plane experience. We are very excited to hear others experiences and what they are drawn to do with it as we know we have only scratched the surface so far ourselves.

The 3 outside tensor rings represent the numerous holy trinities mentioned throughout history all around the world in different contexts. Past, present, future. Mind, body, spirit. Physical, mental, emotional. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Father, son, holy spirit. Whatever it is you relate to, 3 and the holy trinity has been an important and sacred number for a very long time. The spiritual meaning of the number 3 can symbolize spiritual enlightenment, activation, ability to seek out answers, the ability to see beyond the appearance of things and go deeper into the true meaning. The number three represents divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection, hence the Latin phrase Omne Trium Perfectum: "everything that is three is perfect," or everything that occurs in sequences or sets of three is perfect, cyclic, complete, and rhythmic.

The middle spiral represents DNA activation, or reactivation depending on how you want to look at it, for the new energies now reaching our planet.

All of this meaning and intention and much more is imbued into this tensor ring pendant. Made with joy and love and the assistance of my higher self, Merlin, and the energies of the sacred flame order to program on an etheric level. Some people that are very sensitive to energy may want to only wear it for short periods of time until they are attuned with the new energy. But I encourage people to wear it or have it on them as much as possible. Just go off of how you feel, everyone's different. The best feedback I have gotten from numerous people is it "feels like home."